Seed monies to start the Endowment Fund were bequeathed from the Blair Morrison estate specifically for the enhancement of sports and recreation in the Oakville community. In order to honor that request, the committee reviewing applications will, at a minimum, attempt to prorate the allocation of annual grants to reflect the current ratio of the original Morrison contribution to the total value of the endowment fund. In general grant approvals will be guided by the objectives of the Oakville & District Community Endowment Fund as follows:
- to support sport and recreational well-being;
- to promote the development of children, youth and seniors programs;
- to assist and promote the arts, culture and heritage activities;
- to enhance education;
- to support and advance the provision of medical services;
- to support the enhancement of the environment;
- to support social programs;
- to support and advance other community activities or facilities of a charitable nature.
In order to accomplish these objectives effectively and efficiently, the Oakville Community Club Inc. will develop a thorough review process for grant applications. The granting guidelines are listed here for groups to review prior to completing an application form.
Project must benefit primarily the people of Oakville and District.
Organizations seeking funds must demonstrate a strong and committed board, fiscal responsibility, and management qualifications.
Grants are awarded for definite purposes and for projects covering a specific period of time.
Preference is given to projects which:
- encourage the efficient use of community resources;
- demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of community problems;
- are developed in consultation with other agencies and planning groups and those which promote coordination, cooperation and sharing among organizations and the elimination of duplicate services;
- promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement in the community;
- demonstrate evidence of community support and organization initiative.
Capital projects will be considered if there is a demonstrated need.
Pilot or demonstration projects must include provision for an evaluation and a realistic plan for financial viability beyond the pilot stage.
The Community Club encourages the participation of others in funding projects and, on occasion, may provide matching funds or challenge grants to stimulate increased response from other sources.
Project proposals not eligible for funding are those that:
- support operating expenses of established organizations or programs;
- go towards operating or capital deficits;
- go towards annual fund drives for sustaining support;
- establish or add to endowment funds;
- fund specific medical or scientific research projects;
- support religious organizations for direct religious activities;
- promote political activities or support advocacy initiatives;
- provide general conference support.
All applicants will be required to complete a grant application form. A meeting with Community Club executive will be required.
Applicants receiving a grant will be required to submit a final report and support photos upon completion of the project.